This page contains some frequently asked questions about our CNG operations & services. If the information you are looking for is not here, you can contact us for further enquiries.
CNG stands for Compressed natural gas, which is a fuel gas mainly composed of methane (CH4) and compressed to less than 1% of the volume it occupies at standard atmospheric pressure. Due to its low density, it is compressed to a pressure of 200 bar to enhance the vehicle on-board storage capacity.
Cars running on petrol may appeal to you with better performance, lower initial costs and lower service costs but cars running on CNG can save you huge amounts of money in the long run.

Considering the dramatic fluctuations in the price of petrol and the slight fluctuations in the price of compressed natural gas, this is certainly a better option. CNG can provide better mileage than the same car that uses petrol.
Yes, CNG really is cleaner than petrol. While still a fossil fuel, it inherently has fewer carbon byproducts than other fossil fuels due to its chemical composition. By adopting CNG you are joining in making the environment and world better.
  • CNG is lighter than air which makes it further safe to use. In case of a leak it rises up and disperses into the atmosphere.
  • CNG has a high auto-ignition temperature of 540oC as against petrol’s 360oC makes it a safer fuel than petrol.
  • CNG has narrow Flammability range, if CNG’s concentration in the air is less than 5% and more than 15%, the gas will not burn even in the presence of a spark.
Cylinders used for storing gas are designed with very high safety factor in accordance with global standards. CNG cylinders are specially designed and manufactured. All cylinders are required to pass the specific requirements and are vigorously tested before use, in accordance with international specifications and standards, and they are duly approved by Chief Controller of Explosives.

CNG cylinders are designed and built in such a way so as to withstand high pressure. The maximum pressure in a CNG cylinder is up to 200 bar. Moreover, these cylinders are provided with a ‘safety burst disc’ such that in case of inadvertent high-pressure/high temperature at the time of filling or at any other time, this disc is ruptured and pressure is released.

CNG cylinders are designed and built in such a way so as to withstand high pressure. The maximum pressure in a CNG cylinder is up to 200 kg/cm2 (g) (about 2840 psi (g).

Unlike petrol or diesel, CNG does not contaminate or dilute crankcase oil, giving a new lease of life to vehicle engines. The absence of any lead content in CNG helps avoid lead fouling of plugs, thereby enhancing the life of your plugs.

One of the important benefits of CNG is that upon entering the engine in the form of a gas (and not as a spray or mist like other fuels), it doesn’t disturb the presence of lubricating oil in the engine, and reduces chances of wear and tear. So you can happily have a CNG kit installed in your car to enjoy the benefits.
Conversion of your vehicle to use CNG is not very expensive. Moreover the cost of CNG is comparatively much less than Petrol which makes it more useful and beneficial. The cost of converting a vehicle to CNG depends on its type and make.

The average fuel cost of running of vehicle is reduced by 50%-55% approximately after conversion to CNG at the present price of CNG & Petrol.
On an average, vehicle owners lose about one third of their boot space when a car is converted to CNG. The boot space also depends upon the size of vehicle and cylinder make. However, some people who convert to CNG also install carriers on their vehicles to compensate for the lost boot space.
Yes, all spark-ignited engines can be converted to CNG, but a specially designed conversion kit is required for the purpose. The kit consists of a cylinder to be fixed in the boot of the car and other equipments to allow gas flow into the engine. After conversion to CNG, the vehicle can also run on petrol (depending upon the model of the car) whenever desired simply by flicking a switch on the dashboard.
Yes, a diesel vehicle can be converted to run on CNG, but the conversion cost is higher than the conversion of petrol vehicles.
CNG kits are specially designed to operate for years without any trouble. However, like any other motor part, it does require servicing. It is advised to have routine services. As per Gas Cylinder Rules, the cylinder should under go hydro-stretch testing every 5 years to check pressure tolerance.
Normally, a 12 kg capacity cylinder can hold up to 10 kg of CNG. the actual amount of CNG entering the cylinder depends on the pressure available at the filling station. You can get any weight between 9.5 and 9.8 kg at 200 bar pressure.
Yes, they do. Normally, CNG cylinders last 15-20 years. To be on the safer side, you should have them hydrostatically tested periodically. This way you can determine the health of your CNG cylinder. Considering Delhi/NCR, a gasoline/CNG car can last 15 years, so the cylinder your new car comes with can last its lifetime unless it proves to be defective or in an accident.

If the Test date was 2015/08 and the requalification date was 2025/08, then the testing interval is 5 years. The next time to test your cylinder will then be can be determined as follow:
New test month: Requalification date (2025/08) + Testing Interval (5 years) = 2030/08.
We perform integrity testing for all types of CNG tanks. You can call us for scheduled testing.
If you already purchased your kit and want to install in our workshop, it is possible that during transportation, physical damage might have affected its structural integrity during loading and unloading of the cylinder.

If you are not sure if your already-purchased cylinder at another source is still safe to use, visit any of our CNG Workshops (Service Points) nearest to you for qualified testing.
You can bring your cylinder to us for a token. We will then send it to the appropriate place where it will be recycled. This is to prevent possible use of the cylinder by another person if you discard it yourself.
A suspected gas leak may be indicated by Smell, Frost on The Pipe, Misting of Air around Leakage Point.

If you notice such, do not drive your vehicle and call a professional technician immediately. For professional help, you can reach us on any of the numbers below.
CNG is cleaner, cheaper, and greener than other fossil fuels. The Government of Nigeria commenced The Presidential CNG Initiative (Pi-CNG), which is poised to be the new fuel of choice, bringing with it great incentives for consumers to adopt it.
For more about the Presidential CNG Initiative, visit Pi-CNG website.
Go to our Station Finder page to see the closest station to you or use the Locate our nearest CNG Point” button below
For further enquiries:
Call our Head, LPG & Station Sales,
Olabanji Adedayo:
Telephone: +234-703-477-6092
E-mail: [email protected]