5 Things To Do At The End Of Your Internship

You have been with us for quite some time and you have gained experience, improved your network and now taking the next big step as you are about to round off your internship with us. Here are some tips that will help you as you prepare to end your internship. Read the following before you walk out of the door.

1. Make sure your employers know when you’re leaving
Don’t just disappear! Your bosses need to know when you’ll be gone so that they can cover any of your ongoing duties or find a replacement. And be sure to say goodbye and thank them for your time at the company. (If you do this early enough, you might score a nice going-away party.)

2. Collect references
No doubt you worked with many different people during your internship, and you’ve gained many good contacts in the process. Ask some of your coworkers if they can serve as references on LinkedIn. Be sure to ask if they will accept your invitation to connect on LinkedIn as well (and include your fellow interns from other schools). And do all this now, while all the good work you did at the company is fresh in their minds.

3. Tie up any loose ends
Finish all the projects you can, and make sure any unfinished or ongoing duties are passed to someone who can take over for you. Make sure that when you are gone your colleagues will know exactly how to dig up that big spreadsheet you’ve been working on.

4. Sit down with your boss
You were in this job to add some dazzle to your resume. This is your chance to get an assessment of your performance and talk about what you learned. It’s also important to review exactly what you accomplished so that you can accurately update your resume—and then send it to your boss for review for final polishing. If you want another internship at the same company, ask now.

5. Follow up and stay in touch
It’s important to show that you are grateful for the time you spent at your internship. The best way to start? An email to your employers thanking them for the opportunity. And tell them about what kind of opportunity you want for next job.

Hope the tips above were helpful? For further enquiries, you can reach out to us. Thank you for reading our post. If you like this, please share.

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